Wednesday 2 March 2011

For a Miss Bliss...

First toile...x

Well then! Here is a recent creation for a friend of mine! This is actually the toile so there is much needed for perfection. I intend on making this in Latex but have used PVC for toiling. The PVC was the closest and cheapest fabric I could find to latex. This PVC only stretches one way and considering latex stretches FIVE ways, I'll be interested if my pattern works for both!?

Also, I'm having trouble with a certain UK latex supplier. I have been waiting nearly 5 weeks for samples that I have paid for! This is so annoying to someone who would like to get on with it and it has forced me to find another supplier!


Tuesday 1 February 2011

Pencils are exciting don't you know ?......

These are the illustrations I promised a while ago! Even though they may look simple, the illustrations are made up of layers using a different medium for each layer. I thought it would be cool to recreate a standard technique that I often use in Photoshop by hand.

Here are the results.... and I'm always working on more!


Monday 31 January 2011

A Blur of Fashion. . . .

So, I have finally found my scanner and am re-living the joys of photoshop once more! I'm also loving the 'Buzzz hummmm' that the scanner makes... in a strange way it almost seems like a natural sound... . . . . ohdear!

Oh yea! Before I forget, the above are some initial sketches for a dress I will be making soon (Must.Post.Pics!). I have been looking into 1950's underwear as inspiration. I also got the opportunity to visit Amsterdam and saw some very pretty, intricate silk bras in a certain museum.


Saturday 11 December 2010

My friend is a model...

Midnight Bliss

I'm really proud of this lady. She is speeding down the path to becomming a great model. If there were an Alt Britains Next Top Model I would absolutely recommend her! ;O)

Check her out!


Friday 10 December 2010

If I were Louie Spence....

Finally! I am proud to say, that I now have broadband in my home. Which, after dillying and dallying around with other bits of life has now presented a welcome "hummmm" back into my life once again.

Which in lateral terms means: I can now post again :OD

Ooooooo the delight!......If I were Louie Spence I'd feel a song comming on.

I have been playing around with illustration styles mainly. I will add some more pics as soon as I can


Thursday 3 June 2010

Swell Collection Illustration line-up

This is the line-up for my collection: Swell

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Work, work, my work...

Graduate Fashion Week is around the corner and I can't wait to see all of the stalls, catwalks and wonderful work on display. It's an exciting time and I have my portfolio on the go so thought I would post some of my work up.